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tv   Headline News  RT  February 2, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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cairo witnesses some of the worst of violence in a week of unrest as protesters battled police near the presidential palace a tough police response with tear gas and water cannons has left more than fifty wounded and one day. a peace deal on syria could have already been reached if all sides kept to the promises made during the geneva conference according to russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov was speaking at the first meeting with the leader of the syrian national coalition the country's biggest opposition group. east or west home is best the u.k. government planning to persuade romanians and bulgarians at the old saying is true is it fears the influx of immigrants will become overwhelming this coming as london and bucharest are at odds over plans to limit the number of romanians coming into the u.k. . and russia marking seventy years since the battle of stalingrad one of the bloodiest battles in human history that left two million dead and changed the
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course of the second world war. two am in moscow i met good to have you with us here on r t our top story in cairo one person has been killed more than fifty wounded as protests against mohamed morsy turn violent pyrotechnics and petrol bombs have been used by protesters who tried to reach who managed to reach the presidential palace police responded with tear gas and water cannons reporter bill true witness the mayhem she has more. i personally witnessed a lot of police brutality there's been a criticism of the police in the ministry of interior i'm off the footage was broadcast all the proof of a protester straight beaten and trying to cross the tarmac i saw this with my own eyes it could just but i this balcony the man who did not picture any resistance or
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any threats towards the police caught his trousers by his ankles was trying to face down and then to hit with truncheons before being taken off in a vehicle and later i also saw a police down an employee of a restaurant just off the front line the man was trying to get he said before the police officer with bird shot to shot him he fell to the ground a mistake taken by an ambulance this comes off protest is three month talks on the promise yesterday after which the security forces have reclines with the excessive use of tear gas many people are condemning the police this morning saying this is another example all police to come if you just make insecurity pulls his hands of one of the keep them on to the revolution something the president must address there are still people on the hurry square and protest plans in the future opposition forces on not it's backing down there has been pools from both sides for
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dialogue the president said and so awesome dialogue with the opposition forces ahmed el baradei one of the lead is enough salvation front said he would engage in dialogue on the condition that they would be the day the government would be to resign and national salvation government would take over and the constitution would be revoked the president himself has said he will not this in c.v. said preconditions we do see this you see this kind of happening any time in the future so we expect the violence in the streets the protests across the country in the coming weeks. according to activist yasser ismail the violence in the country is partly the result of mubarak's security apparatus still being in place. it is very unfortunate that the more see you defeating the mystique of extremism a lot of egypt either. i believe you that the people that run the country the same fashion and that's not the unfortunate outcome of our it was very very slim and i don't think you have a second term to do to look forward to working with these kind of we're distracted
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and continue down the street and if we tell of the and the lack of security the unemployment is here to meet me give me a problem. before forcing his agenda on the people. there was nothing changes he did evil or good and train under a lot of four years running from the c.m.'s with ebooks being and has been for people the only way to know. their top echelon for the police. and running the country with. the dealership of mubarak and they don't know how to do it differently you know as shekhar to his twitter feed for the latest on what's happening in cairo bell true his report we saw earlier is posting our own updates as well you can check them all out. russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov met with the leader of syria's major opposition party in these first direct talks with the leader of the syrian national coalition were held in private on the
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sidelines of the munich security conference both sides agreed there's a mountain to climb before the negotiations between rebels and the government could become a reality archy's peter all over has the details. this is the biggest security conference really in the world and arguably syria is one of the biggest security issues in the world right now sergey lavrov sundown for a meeting with moyes out who's the leader of the syrian national coalition the foreign minister of russia coming away seemingly quite happy from the this meeting he said upon his arrival back in moscow that it's well. the syrian national coalition seem to willing to speak with the current syrian government citing the fact that the whole reason that the national coalition exists in the first place is because they had previously refused to talk to president assad. did err on the side of caution saying that there was no guarantees that this dialogue would take place bringing up the point that the coalition is so fragmented
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they could hardly really agree with themselves never mind sit down to open the gate see ations with the current syrian government syria featured very highly in the address that was given by say gay lover of to the the security conference he also told directly to russia's western partners as a second cold for unity and trying to bring in an end to the violence and bring discussion to the forefront rather than talk of international intervention he did however raise a few questions towards russia's western partners suggesting that was it worth while pursuing their mantra of regime change in countries like syria at the expense of terrorist acts being cast a blind eye to as those acts take place against the civilian population and the the syrian army we also saw around two thousand people gather elsewhere in munich in protest against what they see as they just continuing growth across europe that was
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driving relatively peaceful but it was also a topic that had been touched on by saying for all of in his address where he said that there was no real need for nato to expand in the way that it was in those two thousand people in the city also voicing the similar opinion. thinks the syrian opposition has turned to diplomacy because it's been exhausted from fighting president assad's forces. the rebel coalition is deeply divided within itself and it has tried very hard. to regain its own terms with supposed of the united states and the syrian opposition coalition is insistent on not having talks with directions but it has reached a point where it is tired frustrated and knows that it is very difficult
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to dislodge the assad regime it is something of a diplomatic victory in my view for the russians who have been at least publicly consistently. pressing for docs and so far the russian the russian requests for. diplomacy have been rebuffed. human rights activists have accused the french back mali an army of committing ethnic reprisal or ethnic reprisal attacks extradition killings and torture the outcries reached the un with its anti government envoy saying he was deeply disturbed by the reports meanwhile france's president alon is on a visit to mali where his forces are fighting islam as militants he announced that the campaign won't be a long term deployment and operations are likely to end in the coming weeks that in paris will rewards according to farrow's manji from the council for the development of social science research africa. yet this intervention does strengthen the
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over group of junior officers who took control of the state and who are just simply . done some in the reports we get from mali from boma who is holies troops just simply control everything and not interested in any kind of development they're only interested in acquiring wealth for themselves they go in they wrote banks complete impunity they control the economy now and with complete impunity they are now. i guess you know the servants now oh well oh of the french and the u.s. but their real agenda has been to set up the league to to the french and to the cool bridges mollies a place with enormous amount of of all well so if you're a new book site gold and so on and there's no doubt that french canadian and upper
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interests are clearly interested in occupying that territory curd violation another dent in the oil embargo against iran adding to washington headaches. especially when the transgressor is the pentagon and the illegal fuel purchases are paid for with taxpayer dollars more on that sanctions busting later in the program . but first relations between romania and the u.k. haven't been particularly warm this week bucharest expressed concerns over london's plans to extend the restrictions on romanians looking to work in britain is after london's attempt to scare off potential migrants with ads highlighting the drawbacks of living there or he's probably a boy who reports on why the u.k. officials sought to selling their own country's reputation. as one official put it the negative ad campaign about britain would help to dispel the myth that the
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streets in the u.k. all paved with gold and the politicians certainly are worried and they've got it wrong in the past the previous year was the year of the olympics and politicians trump and trumpeting great britain and how london and britain is the best destination the world billions of pounds poured into advertising to really sell the u.k. but it seems that for immigrants potential immigrants from rumania and from bol garia the message is that britain isn't so great after all so a lot of people use that sort of as quite farcical the fact that the government is willing to trash its own image and to admit that there are problems with the economy in disarray that there's a housing crisis and that there are problems with schools and hospitals everyone's been having a good old chuckle over the idea of a negative ad campaign and yes some people have actually said that it's quite insulting but remain ians them for vogue ariens but one newspaper has even
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suggested that people send in their own suggestions for what an anti britain poster would look like and the result has been really quite scathing and quite harsh to britain as a country we've got slogans that include u.k. yuck and come to britain and clean the toilets or even britain we haven't left ourselves because the public transport isn't running so people very sort of mocking at the same time but quite scathing about the country westminster is bound by law so they have to follow these rules and they have to allow anybody who wishes to come over in twenty fourteen to enter the country but a lot of citizens in the u.k. feel that it's insulting to those people and a waste of money having advertised britain previously. or remain in newspapers hit back with a series of ads why romania is so much better than the u.k. among the qualities that appear on the list are beautiful women that look like kate
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middleton and cheap booze head over to our t. dot com and maybe you too could be persuaded to go to romania. a turkish radical group claiming responsibility for the suicide attack at the u.s. embassy in ankara we have more on that story after the break an expert if ally turkey is now becoming a new target for terror stay with us. here . interesting for the burgers. and when it's not for. people
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to help. the distances or. will the remedy. thanks for staying with us here on r t fifteen minutes past the hour now u.s. forces in afghanistan may have been running on iranian oil and
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a clear violation of washington's all fionn fuel embargo against the islamic state the pentagon's admitted it can't envelop for the source of a year's worth of fuel due to a complicated supply system or he's guided she has more from washington. the u.s. gives money to the afghan government to buy fuel for its forces now u.s. officials especially spoke to general for afghanistan reconstruction say they cannot verify that the fuel purchased for afghan security forces in recent years did not come from iran it could be their way of saying that it probably did come from the wrong and it could mean that the u.s. has violated its own sanctions they're violating us taxpayer dollars go to remain coffers those sanctions that the u.s. has put in place not only bar u.s. companies from doing business with iran but also punish third party countries for doing business with iran but no matter how many rounds of sanctions are in effect they were never watertight even though the european union under a lot of pressure from washington stopped buying uranium oil you have
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a host of other countries that still do iran's biggest buyer now biggest buyers now are china india and japan and these countries are oil thirsty especially china so china imports of uranium oil india's imports of iranian crude were up thirty percent according to tanker arrival data western sanctions have it rains oil exports in two thousand and twelve leading to a very deep plunge in the arabian currency but continuous robust demand from its top buyers as well as the purchase of new tankers allowed the way in to unexpectedly boost exports late last year despite the sanctions the u.s. can't absolutely force those major economies especially china to stop buying from iran political and economic ramifications of such pressure would be significant but the u.s. government is trying there prompting those other countries to buy oil from washington's allies saudis and qataris so you could imagine how happy the gulf states are about
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this bold new business coming in but washington is resolute to put more pressure on other countries to put forward more threats like cutting them off from u.s. banking system so many countries the situation starts to look more like blackmail than anything else. sanctions violations rhetoric surrounding iran all proving great creative fuel for our website cartoonist ahmadinejad and other themes online at r.t. dot com in a special comic section check it out. an extreme leftist group has claimed responsibility for the suicide attack on the us embassy in turkey's capital the group condemns u.s. foreign policy and its influence on turkish internal politics a security guard was killed when a bomber detonated his explosives at the mission's entrance friday lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine explains why turkey has become a target for radicals it's obvious right now that is the flu escalation you
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are legion. you too literally and president. obama administration the french and the british in these areas have obviously inflamed. the insurgents to the point that they are now targeting these western powers however the united states and the british and the french are also supporting tens of thousands of jihadi treatments in syria and in other parts of the region so you have well armed well compared trained terrorists on the border originally with turkey and syria probably now inside turkey so i think this is very bad news is obviously great opposition inside turkey and i think the the president other prime minister he's behaving foolish to actually have this close working relationship with the west and he's actually
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undermining his own country and his arms security. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe funeral services have been held for soldiers killed in saturday's attack on an army post in northwest pakistan the taliban assault with a total of thirty five dead including twelve attackers ten civilians and thirteen members of the armed forces were all mung those killed a spokesman for the group said it was retaliation for a u.s. drone strike on two taliban commanders last month yes just a day after a suicide bombing outside a shia mosque claimed the lives of twenty four people. eight people have been arrested when the israeli military broke up a palestinian camp in the west bank camp were set up to protest against the expansion of israeli settlements into the area the army fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the activists. is
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one of the bloodiest battles in human history and a turning point in the second world war seventy years ago the soviet union snatched victory and stalin grad defeating the nazi war machine there are these tom barton follow the commemoration of bet's. the great in modern day volgograd is to mark the end of that terrible battle seventy years ago with a parade by troops the laying of wreaths from various delegations and the assembled crowds here remembering all those people that died there as many as two million were told in this say there's also a little bit of control to see surrounding the name stalin grasp the city's now grad. but the city administration say that they want on certain special days to once again refer to it by its old name stalingrad which is a controversial decision given its connection to that controversial figure stalin himself but as for this parade today this commemorative events it will
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ever have the connection to would stalin grad not with this place but with what happened to him. seventy years ago the nazi war machine failed at stalingrad but here a reconstruction of the german surrender. andrei is playing the part of powerless promoted the day before to field marshal by hitler in a bid to stop him capitulating. when paul is realized that hitler wanted him to commit suicide he said he wouldn't give him such pleasure and he chose to live. for nazi germany this military disaster was the moment hitler's hubris really caught up with him for the soviet union it was at last a decisive victory over the invaders the ravage so much of the country this basement of stalingrad largest department store had become palaces last headquarters soviet officers entered to find it packed with wounded starving and
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freezing german soldiers this is what had become of what had started out as the largest army the world had ever seen the sixth army had surged up to the city in the summer of one nine hundred forty two hitler wanted to clear the way to the oil of the caucasus but stalin grad but first a sideshow became an object of obsession for both him and stalin fyodor fought for his very life battling house to house as the germans and their allies took ninety percent of the city for a quest and i don't. read it was how. the ball there was a river of fire and when we went to get water from it it was water and blood mixed . in november soviet command zuckoff sprung a huge trap cutting german forces off from the supply lines surrounding them inside the frozen city by the end of january it was all but over the city was
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a ruin only the few biggest buildings remained standing. she was buddies but you know. people it was very important because finally we stopped retreating offices the general started to learn how to win a stunning grant as many as two million people died in the battle their bodies still being discovered today but although the red army of the soviet people didn't know it yet they had reached a turning point in the bloodiest war in human history from boston. the solemn ceremony commemorating the victory of stalin grat ended with a magnificent fireworks display you can find the photos of the event on our website there we have a section dedicated to the second world war including a storable articles biographies on the personal accounts of those who witnessed the horror of the battle itself. jerusalem football squad whose fans are known for racist anti arab chances signed
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to muslims to the team for the first time but supporters are openly disappointed at the move which some say is like welcoming the enemy or his policy or reports on the boiling anger that's never far from spilling over. the games in there but the actions out here the israeli football team they told us of them is making headlines not for what it does on the pitch but what it does oafish the only leading team in the country never to have signed an arab player because of family pressure they taught as a bastion of israel's political right if i am one other thing i am the don't love that the enemy will be a player in my team or you could see. the. chance like this we hate all arabs only the target of the racist croquet no it doesn't happen often but tonight's matches between guitar jerusalem and a local israeli arab team the police are not taking any chances which is why these
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gates are for the jewish fans and the other side of the stadium is for the palestinian supporters now the match has just finished and as you see the bay tajiri some supporters are walking out behind me but it will be and not an hour and a half if for the police give permission to the arab fans to leave the stadium but keeping the two sides apart does little to dispel the hatred in march last year hundreds of baitullah friends rampaged through jerusalem or after a game chanting death to the arabs and randomly attacking arab workers orders are born they try to say that there are just a few rhesus five to twenty people but that's not right racism is in the d.n.a. of the steam it's in their blood. we fought turkey is a football legend in israel he was the first arab to play for israel national team and to represent the country at the olympic games. i remember playing against the steam their supporters cursed me because i'm an arab muslim if this is not racism
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what is that problem is about to get a whole lot bigger team owner a russian israeli tycoon at a coyote guide imac recently announced his decision to hire two muslim players from chechnya. it's not good they're doing it for nothing these players from chechnya aren't with the jewish people they're not with the team we have different values while other countries have faced international sanctions for racist incitement by fans israel has so far avoided such close scrutiny but fears are growing that the beautiful game there is slowly being turned into a source of violence racism and hatred policy r.t. jerusalem. next door a look at life for some of the people living in the coldest regions on earth stay with us here on r.t. . you
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know i can kind of sort of understand the mindset of an evil dictator i have trouble understanding what is going on or maybe not going on in the minds of the terrified cogs who believe all the propaganda give up all their rights for the illusion of safety to coach jerry seinfeld who are these people well maybe some of them may be working at your local school braindead bureaucracy zombies at a pennsylvania school suspended a kindergartner note kindergartner as a terrorist threat because she threatened to shoot another student with a gun that shoots soap bubbles i guess this was all a mix up because the girl she wanted to shoot didn't understand that it was in reference to bubbles and not bullets children in kindergarten can often misunderstand things but the administration of the school seems to be no smarter than six year olds immediately going into total panic mode guess what this is
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hardly the first time that something like this has happened remember the kid who point a piece of chicken at a teacher and said bang the thing is that the real terrorism of the event is that the mental sleeves of fear propaganda that work at these schools are raising a generation of children to be just like them somebody shoot me with a bubble gun that's just my opinion. mission. critic ation free school which is free to richmond's three. three. three. three books videos for your media projects free media. the republic of the acute here here lies the events and special nomad camp of how.
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it is situated four thousand four hundred kilometers from moscow and two thousand kilometers from alaska. yes yes come here. what's wrong with him. take a look at his who has also fallen. but yes he can't get much food from under the snow because of the pain in his leg he's lost weight and need to vet. the contact base right away. after. the nearest villages have to steer one hundred kilometers away thick forest is all around there are no roads c.b. radio is the only means of communication here but go home in horseshoe. roger.


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